Tuesday, January 18, 2005

WTF - Puritanical Psychosis

Ok, so it's WTF day. 4 any of U who actually follow my posts, U know that WTF day usually has a bit of a humorous bent 2 it ... all puns intended. Today, alas, the news item that made me shout "What the F*ck?!?!" isn't funny at all. In fact, it's quite disturbing, sad and truly tragic. Apparently, in Alabama a twelve year old girl named Jasmine confided to her mother that she was no longer a virgin. In response, the irate mother poured bleach down her daughter's throat and after she vomited it up, she sat on her daughter's chest until she couldn't breathe and died. Jasmine's brother, Jacorey, 9, was made to stand in a corner and watch the entire episode. Archie (the mother)"told him that if he shed a tear that she was going to kill him, too," Cotton testified.

U can read the full story here care of Birmingham news. It makes me wonder why God would even let people like this procreate? (I know I know ... he does things that we can't understand, in his infinite wisdom it's best to just accept and not question, all stuff I learned growing up in a Pentecostal household, along with I'm damned to hell for being gay, but off I go on a tangent again. The point is I do have questions for God, lots of them.) There are so many beautiful people with warm hearts who can't have kids or tragically lose their children, yet there are pyschotics like this running rampant killing babies, abusing their children, or whatever else they do to royally fuck a kids life up. I mean, is this woman really insane? My question is is there even such a thing as insanity or is it just a word we made up to excuse people's inane behavior? I dunno. These are just the scattered ramblings of my mind at the moment.

At the end of it all, I can only say ... WTF?!


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